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Displaying 81 - 100 of 628

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
05/05/24 Why Do Personal Evangelism? Aric Russell Sermon Effective Personal Evangelism Sun PM 5-5-24_Why_Do_Personal_Evangelism.mp3 why_do_persoanl_evangelsim.pptx
05/05/24 The Gift of Leadership Aric Russell Sermon Find Your Fit Sun AM 5-5-24_The_Gift_of_Leadership.mp3 the_gift_of_leadership.pptx
04/28/24 The Gift of Sharing Aric Russell Sermon Find Your Fit Sun AM 4-28-24_The_Gift_of_Sharing.mp3 The_Gift_of_Sharing.pptx
04/21/24 25 Reasons Jeff Souder Sermon N/A Sun AM 25_Reasons.pptx 4-21-24_25_Reasons.mp3
04/14/24 Jonah 1: The Choice Aric Russell Sermon Jonah Sun PM Jonah_1.pptx
04/14/24 The Gift of Teaching Aric Russell Sermon Find Your Fit Sun AM 4-14-24_The_Gift_of_Teaching.mp3 the_gift_of_teaching.pptx
04/07/24 The Gift of Service Aric Russell Sermon Find Your Fit Sun AM 4-7-24_The_Gift_of_Service.mp3 the_gift_of_service.pptx
04/07/24 Personal Obstacles to Evangelism Aric Russell Sermon Effective Personal Evangelism Sun PM 4-7-24_Personal_Obstacles.mp3 Personal_obstacles_to_evangelism.pptx
03/31/24 Laughing with the Scriptures JD Souder Sermon N/A Sun PM 3-31-24_Laughing_with_the_Scriptures.mp3 Laughing_with_the_Scriptures.pptx
03/31/24 What Would You Give Up for Jesus? Aric Russell Sermon N/A Sun AM what_would_you_give_up_for_Jesus.pptx
03/24/24 Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death Aric Russell Sermon N/A Sun AM 3-24-24_Give_Me_Liberty_or_Give_Me_Death.mp3 GIVE_ME_LIBERTY_OR_DEATH.pptx
03/17/24 Dangers of Pride Aric Russell Sermon N/A Sun PM 3-17-24_Dangers_of_Pride.mp3
03/17/24 Who is Your King? Aric Russell Sermon N/A Sun AM 3-17-24_Who_is_Your_King.mp3 Who_is_your_king.pptx
03/10/24 The Potter and the Clay Aric Russell Sermon N/A Sun PM 3-10-24_Clay_in_the_Potters_Hand.mp3 The_potter_and_the_clay.pptx
03/10/24 Blessed or Wicked Aric Russell Sermon N/A Sun AM 3-10-24_Blessed_or_Wicked.mp3 Blessed_Or_Wicked.pptx
03/03/24 Preaching Jesus Aric Russell Sermon Effective Personal Evangelism Sun PM Preaching_Jesus_powerpoint.pptx 3-3-24_Preaching_Jesus.mp3
03/03/24 Before We Can Worship Correctly Aric Russell Sermon N/A Sun AM Before_we_can_worship_correctly.pptx 3-3-24_Before_We_Can_Worship_Correctly.mp3
02/25/24 Refreshing Christians Fred Bishop Sermon N/A Sun AM 2-25-24_Refreshing_Christians.mp3
02/18/24 What Shall We Do With Jesus? Brian Moore Sermon N/A Sun PM 2-18-24_What_Shall_We_Do_With_Jesus.mp3
02/18/24 What Shall We Not Do With Jesus? Brian Moore Sermon N/A Sun AM 2-18-24_What_Shall_We_Not_Do_With_Jesus.mp3

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