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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
03/09/25 Amos: Justice and Righteousness Aric Russell Sermon Minor Prophets Sun PM Amos-_justice_and_righteousness.pptx
03/09/25 Think Aric Russell Sermon 12 Words of Christianity Sun AM 12_words-_think.pptx
03/02/25 Life Changing Bible Reading Aric Russell Sermon N/A Sun AM life_changing_bible_reading.pptx
03/02/25 Do You Trust God? Aric Russell Sermon N/A Sun PM Do_you_trust_God.pptx
02/23/25 Seek Aric Russell Sermon N/A Praise & Prayer Song__Scripture_2-23-25.pptx
02/23/25 Don't Widen the Plate Aric Russell Sermon N/A Sun AM Dont_widen_the_plate.pptx
02/16/25 The Power of Humility Aric Russell Sermon N/A Sun PM the_power_of_humility.pptx
02/09/25 Joel: Return to the Lord Aric Russell Sermon Minor Prophets Sun PM The_Most_Important_Game-1739122823.pptx Joel_-_Return_to_the_Lord.pptx
02/09/25 The Most Important Game Aric Russell Sermon N/A Sun AM The_Most_Important_Game.pptx
02/02/25 Seek Aric Russell Sermon 12 Words of Christianity Sun AM 12_words-_seek.pptx
02/02/25 Lessons from Hosea Aric Russell Sermon Minor Prophets Sun PM Lessons_from_Hosea.pptx
01/26/25 The Tears of Jesus Josh Coles Sermon N/A Sun AM
01/19/25 One Awesome Church Aric Russell Sermon N/A Sun AM One_Awesome_Church.pptx
01/12/25 Grace Aric Russell Sermon 12 Words of Christianity Sun AM grace.pptx
12/29/24 Deconstruction & Reconstruction JD Souder Sermon N/A Sun PM Deconstruction.pptx
12/29/24 A Joyful Life Aric Russell Sermon Proverbs Sun AM a_joyful_life.pptx
12/22/24 The Importance of a Pure Heart Aric Russell Sermon Proverbs Sun AM the_importance_of_a_pure_heart.pptx
12/15/24 Wisdom Regarding Anger Aric Russell Sermon Proverbs Sun AM wisdom_regarding_anger.pptx
12/15/24 Friends of God's Children Aric Russell Sermon Proverbs Sun AM friends_of_Gods_children_1.pptx
12/08/24 Strength After Adversity Aric Russell Sermon N/A Sun AM 12-8-24_Strength_After_Adversity.mp3

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