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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
10/11/20 Becoming a Christian, Part 2 Evan Casey Sermon N/A Sun AM 10-11-20_Becoming_a_Christian_Part_2.mp3 How_to_Become_a_Christian.pptx
10/04/20 Truth or Consequences Fred Bishop Sermon N/A Sun PM 10-4-20_Truth_or_Consequences.mp3 TRUTH_OR_CONSEQUENCES.ppt
10/04/20 True or False Bryan Nash Sermon N/A Sun AM sun_am_4.pptx
09/27/20 Jehu's Zeal Bryan Nash Sermon 1 & 2 Kings Sun PM sun_pm_3.pptx 9-27-20_Jehus_Zeal.mp3
09/27/20 Exile Living Bryan Nash Sermon Identity Sun AM sun_am_3.pptx 9-27-20_Exile_Living.mp3
09/20/20 Strangers and Exiles Bryan Nash Sermon Identity Sun AM 9-20-20_Strangers_and_Exiles.mp3 sun_am_2.pptx
09/20/20 Sojourning and Suffocation Bryan Nash Sermon 1 & 2 Kings Sun PM 9-20-20_Sojourning_and_Suffocation.mp3 sun_pm_2.pptx
09/13/20 The Siege of Samaria Bryan Nash Sermon 1 & 2 Kings Sun PM 9-13-20_The_Siege_of_Samaria.mp3 sun_pm_1.pptx
09/13/20 Citizenship in Heaven Bryan Nash Sermon Identity Sun AM sun_am_1.pptx 9-13-20_CItizenship_in_Heaven.mp3
09/06/20 Identity: In Christ Bryan Nash Sermon Identity Sun AM 9-6-20_Identity.mp3 sun_am.pptx
09/06/20 The Arameans Seek Elisha Bryan Nash Sermon 1 & 2 Kings Sun PM 9-6-20_The_Arameans_Seek_Elisha.mp3 sun_pm.pptx
08/30/20 The Birth of Jesus JD Souder Singing N/A Praise & Prayer PP_082620.pptx
08/30/20 Be Thankful Bryan Nash Sermon N/A Sun AM sun_am_5.pptx 8-30-20_Be_Thankful.mp3
08/23/20 The Floating Axe Head Bryan Nash Sermon 1 & 2 Kings Sun PM 8-23-20_The_Floating_Axe_Head.mp3 sun_pm_4.pptx
08/23/20 A Fork in the Road Bryan Nash Sermon N/A Sun AM 8-23-20_A_Fork_in_the_Road.mp3 sun_am_4.pptx
08/16/20 Tempted by the Devil Bryan Nash Sermon N/A Sun AM 8-16-20_Tempted_by_the_Devil.mp3 sun_am_3.pptx
08/16/20 Naaman is Healed Bryan Nash Sermon 1 & 2 Kings Sun PM 8-16-20_Naaman_is_Healed.mp3 sun_pm_3.pptx
08/09/20 Elisha Feeds the People Bryan Nash Sermon 1 & 2 Kings Sun PM sun_pm_2.pptx 8-9-20_Elisha_Feeds_the_People.mp3
08/09/20 Better Vision Bryan Nash Sermon N/A Sun AM sun_am_2.pptx 8-9-20_Better_Vision.mp3
08/02/20 God is Consistent Bryan Nash Sermon N/A Sun AM 8-2-20_God_is_Consistent.mp3 sun_am_1.pptx

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