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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
12/08/24 The Use of the Tongue Aric Russell Sermon Proverbs Sun PM 12-8-24_Use_of_the_Tongue.mp3 the_use_of_the_tongue.pptx
12/01/24 Roll the Gospel Chariot Along Aric Russell Sermon Effective Personal Evangelism Sun PM 12-1-24_Roll_the_Gospel_Chariot_Along.mp3 Roll_The_Gospel_Chariot_Along.pptx
12/01/24 Friends Aric Russell Sermon Proverbs Sun AM 12-1-24_Friends.mp3 Friends.pptx
11/24/24 A Fool Despises Instruction Aric Russell Sermon Proverbs Sun AM 11-24-24_The_Fool_Despises_Instruction.mp3 A_Fool_Despises_Instruction.pptx
11/17/24 Things the Lord Hates Aric Russell Sermon N/A Sun PM 11-17-24_Things_the_Lord_Hates.mp3
11/17/24 The Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Wisdom Aric Russell Sermon Proverbs Sun AM 11-17-24_Beginning_of_Wisdom.mp3
11/10/24 T.I.M.E. Aric Russell Sermon N/A Sun PM 11-10-24_T.I.M.E.mp3
11/10/24 Now That You Are a Christian Aric Russell Sermon N/A Sun AM 11-10-24_Now_That_You_Are_a_Christian.mp3 NOW_THAT_YOU_ARE_A_CHRISTIAN.pptx
11/03/24 How to Initiate a Bible Study Aric Russell Sermon Effective Personal Evangelism Sun PM how_to_initiate_a_bible_study.pptx 11-3-24_How_to_Initiate_a_Bible_Study.mp3
11/03/24 Who Killed Jesus? Aric Russell Sermon N/A Sun AM who_killed_jesus.pptx 11-3-24_Who_Killed_Jesus.mp3
10/27/24 When the Election is Over Aric Russell Sermon N/A Sun AM 10-27-24_After_the_Election_is_Over.mp3 when_the_election_is_over.pptx
10/25/24 Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People? Steve Niemeier Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting 10-25-24_Why_Do_Bad_Things_Happen_to_Good_People.mp3 Salem_East_-_2024_Friday_-_Why_do_bad_thiings_happen.ppt
10/24/24 Am I Profitable to God? Steve Niemeier Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting 10-24-24_Am_I_Profitable_to_God.mp3 Salem_East_-_2024_Thur_-_Am_I_Profitable_to_God.pptx
10/23/24 What Does Belief in God Mean? Steve Niemeier Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting 10-24-24_What_Does_Belief_in_God_Mean.mp3 Salem_East_-_2024_Wed_-_Belief_in_God.pptx
10/22/24 How Do I Talk to God Today? Steve Niemeier Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting 10-22-24_How_Do_I_Talk_To_God_Today.mp3 Salem_East_2024_Tues_-_How_Do_I_Talk_to_God_Today.ppt
10/21/24 The Gospel of God Steve Niemeier Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting 10-21-24_The_Glory_of_God.mp3 Salem_East_-_2024_-_Gospel_of_God.pptx
10/20/24 How Does God Talk to Man Today? Steve Niemeier Sermon N/A Sun PM 10-20-24_pm_sermon.mp3 Salem_East_-_2024_E_W-_How_God_Talks_To_Man_Today.pptx
10/20/24 What has God Done for Me? Steve Niemeier Sermon N/A Sun AM Salem_East_-__M_W_-_What_God_Has_Done.pptx 10-20-24_am_sermon.mp3
10/20/24 Just Who is God? Steve Niemeier Sermon N/A Sun Bible Study Salem_East_-_2024_B_S_-_Just_Who_Is_God.pptx 10-20-24_class.mp3
10/13/24 Why You Should Not Attend Our Bible Series Aric Russell Sermon N/A Sun PM 10-13-24_Why_You_Should_Not_Attend.mp3 WHY_YOU_SHOULD_NOT_ATTEND_OUR_GOSPEL_MEETING.pptx

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