Public Singing
7-28-19 - We're currently looking at organizing a public hymn singing in the future. This would be intended as a community event, not only the members of the Eastview congregation. We're looking into a few venues here in Salem where we could hold a public singing. If you are interested in participating, want more details, or have any suggestions, please reach out to us at
Sermon on the Mount Series
6-2-19 - Our minister, Bryan Nash, is currently preaching a series through Jesus' iconic Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7. Bryan has shown with clarity how Jesus' sermon gets to the heart of the law and the prophets, how we are to live as disciples in this world, and how the Lord's teachings call us to repentance and righteousness.
This sermon series has been taking place on Sunday evenings at Eastview. You can visit with us on Sundays at 5 pm, or check out the prior sermons in the series here.
New Website
3-17-19 - Eastview Church of Christ is excited for the launch of our new website at! We wish this website to be a useful tool for the spread of the gospel and the building up of the Lord's church. We want it to be helpful for searchers, for the community around us, for our brethren elsewhere, and for the members of Eastview (1 Chron 16:24). And as with all our efforts, we hope that this effort in the kingdom brings honor and glory to God (Col 3:17).
If you have any questions or input about our website, please reach out to us at
Spring Gospel Meeting
2-17-19 - Eastview Church of Christ will be holding a gospel meeting April 4-6, 2019, each evening at 7 pm. We will welcome Jason Hardin, George Parsley, and Josh Coles as the speakers for the week. We would like to warmly welcome you to join us in worship and study as these men share with us excellent lessons from the word of God!
New Preacher
1-1-19 - Eastview Church of Christ is excited to welcome Bryan Nash as our new full-time preacher. He and his family will be joining our church family and working with all of us as we spread the gospel of Jesus and build up the church.