On-Site Services
1-14-22 - Due to increased infection rates in our community and in our church, the Eastview Church of Christ will be temporarily suspending in-person Sunday evening worship services. Instead we will resume our "Studies in Psalms" discussions via Zoom. Please reach out to if you have not received the Zoom invitation and wish to participate.
Sunday morning Bible classes and worship, as well as Wednesday Bible classes, will continue in-person, while following our current COVID-19 protocols. Masking and social distancing are not mandatory, but are encouraged. The shepherds at Eastview ask for continued prayers for wisdom and grace in this difficult time.
UPDATE 1-19-22 - Tonight's Wednesday class will be conducted via Zoom rather than in-person as well. Further decisions regarding future Wednesdays will be made at a future time, in consideration of the church's well-being. Please continue to pray and care for one another.
Bible Classes
1-9-22 - Last week, we began a Wednesday Bible class series entitled “Lessons from the Land”, compiled by the team at Appian Media. This series of lessons will consider episodes from the life of Jesus Christ, as well as the culture and geography of the Bible lands. When we understand the world in which Jesus lived and taught, we can better understand how to live as part of the kingdom in our current world. Join us every Wednesday evening this quarter at 7 pm for these studies!
Bible Classes
11-28-21 - The Eastview Church of Christ has now set the schedule for adult Sunday Bible classes in 2022. We will continue to maintain a rotating teacher schedule, as it has given more teachers opportunity to share the gospel (2 Tim 2:2). And a variety or diversity of voices helps us all to grow together (Eph 4:16).
In Jan-June, we will be discussing Apologetics, making arguments for the exitence of God and the trustworthiness of the Scriptures. This will be a challenging series, but with study and reflection, it will help us to grow in wisdom and truth. We will be using "Apologetics in (almost) One Lesson" by Luke Murphey.
In July-Dec, we will be using some Bible class material arranged by one of our shepherds, Jeff Souder. We will consider God's character of grace, both in the Old and New Testaments, how the Lord's system of grace offers redemption in ways law does not, and how we can be people of grace in the image of our Lord Jesus. We welcome you to join us in studying the Scriptures together!
Facebook Page
11-21-21 - The Eastview Church of Christ has a new Facebook page! This will be a place for posting sermons, articles, and encouragements; we are looking at streaming our services via Facebook as well. Please look at this site, and if you frequent Facebook, 'like' and 'share' it with others. We look forward to utilizing this new tool, accomplishing God’s purposes (Isa 55:11), and flourishing in God’s kingdom (Acts 1:8)!
Bible Classes
10-10-21 - This month marks the start of a new quarter of Bible classes at Eastview. We are excited to continue to learn and grow together (Eph 4:15-16)!
In the Wednesday evening adult class, we will be looking at "Personal Evangelism". What does it mean to live in light of the gospel of Jesus Christ? We will not be looking at individual study "schemes", but rather how hearts and spirits shaped by the good news will draw others to God. Our young people's classes have been reconfigured as well, and we are currently offering a high school class. This class is entitled "Troubled Over Many Things", and will consider a Biblical perspective on many of the stressors and anxieties of life (Luke 10:41-42). Our young people continue to contribute so much to the church family at Eastview (1 Tim 4:12), and we want to continue fostering their growth!
Our shepherds are also making some detailed plans for our future classes and 2022 theme for the Eastview Church of Christ. The church website will be updated soon with these plans. Come study and learn together with us!
COVID-19 Protocols
8-8-21 - We have had several inquiries lately regarding our masking and sanitation protocols, in light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. All of the details can be found on the COVID-19 page of our website. This page has been updated several times, in accordance with best practices for public health, as well as the wellbeing of the church (Rom 14:7). Please continue to pray for this crisis to pass, and pray for one another (Jas 5:16).
Bible Classes
7-4-21 - This month is the beginning of a new quarter of Bible classes at Eastview. Our toddler and primary classes are beginning a series entitled "All Things New", looking at new beginnings in the book of Genesis. The adolescent class will be beginning "The Life of Christ". And the adult Wednesday class is beginnign a new discussion of "Types and Shadows", reflecting on the recurrent images of Jesus throughout the Scriptures (Col 2:17).
We have classes available for all ages, and all are welcome to join in our learning together!
Singing Nights
4-18-21 - The elders at Eastview have made some amendments to the monthly schedule of services. Our congregational singing night, previously held on the last Wed evening of each month, will now be held on the fourth Sun evening of each month. Some of thse monthly singing nights will also be designated as Praise & Prayer services, combining lots of congregational singing with Scripture readings, devoted prayer times, and short reflections and studies around a given theme (Col 3:16).
In months that have five Sundays, the fifth Sun evening will be set aside for guest preachers, particularly from among the members of the Eastview family. We hope that this gives opportunity for those men who wish to grow in skill and service of the Eastview church. We will look forward to seeing you all there!
On-Site Services
4-4-21 - Today, the church at Eastview will return to in-person worship services on Sunday evenings at 5 pm, in addition to our Sunday morning worship at 10:30, and our Sunday and Wednesday Bible classes. We will continue to encourage our current safety protocols and social distancing for all our members and visitors. Our Sunday evening service will be available via Zoom, as are the rest of our worship and adult class times, for those who are interested.
We appreciate the patient and thoughtful planning of our shepherds throughout the COVID-19 crisis, as they have led our church with compassion and grace. Please continue to pray for the church at Eastview as we expand our on-site worship schedule. If you have any questions or comments for us, please reach out to
Bible Class Page
1-6-21 - As of this week, Eastview Church of Christ is worshiping inside the church building again. We have also resumed our Sunday morning and Wednesday evening Bible classes for all age groups. The Bible Class page of the website has been updated with new information for 2021. Please check there for the current topics of our classes for all ages, as well as future topics of study and discussion!
On-Site Services
12-23-20 - Lord willing, Eastview Church of Christ will return to worship and classes inside our building on Sunday morning, 1-3-21. We will also be broadcasting our worship service on Zoom for anyone uncomfortable or unable to attend in person. Please continue to pray for the Christians at Eastview as we make decisions for one another's growth and protection.
Worship will take place on Sunday mornings at 10:30 am. We will also return to Bible classes on Sundays at 9:30 am and Wednesdays at 7 pm. Our Sunday evening worship will remain suspended, replaced with our Zoom Psalm study.
The seats in the auditorium have been rearranged to allow for better social distancing, with additional space between pews, and seats along the perimeter of the room. We welcome you to sit where you are comfortable, allowing respect for others' space as well. There is also seating available in other rooms, where you can participate in the service via Zoom.
We will continue to update our practices and protocols, and the website will be regularly updated as well. May God keep us safe and healthy (3 John 2), and we hope to see you all soon (3 John 14).
2021 Theme: One Another
11-29-20 - The shepherds at Eastview Church of Christ have chosen a theme for 2021. This coming year will be spent in reflection on "One Another". The elders have compiled a lesson book based upon New Testament passages regarding one another. This lesson book will serve as our class material for Sunday adult Bible classes at Eastview; our class time will be spent in prompted discussions of our opportunities, responsibilities, and Christlike perspectives toward one another (Rom 12:9-10, Gal 6:10).
2020 has been a year of prayer for this congregation, and this theme has been a great focus for us. It seems trite, at the conclusion of 2020, to comment on the importance of prayer (Jam 5:16b). But praying together has drawn us closer and enriched our bonds. Our hope is that 2021 will be another year for growth and encouragement of one another (Heb 10:24-25).
On-Site Services
11-13-20 - Until further notice, worship services for the Eastview Church of Christ will be in the parking lot at 10:30 am Sunday. We will continue with our Zoom prayer group at 5 pm Sunday. Wednesday Bible classes are suspended. We want to continue to encourage all to attend all possible meetings, and keep praying to God for healing and relief (James 5:13-18).
Bible Class Page
9-6-20 - We have updated our website with a new Bible Class page, under the "About Us" drop-down menu. The Eastview Church of Christ offers classes for Bible students of all ages. We will keep this page updated with the themes and topics for all children's classes as well as adult classes. Please join us for our group classes, Sunday at 9:30 am and Wednesday at 7 pm!
On-Site Services
7-1-20 - Starting Sunday, 7-5-20, all regular Bible classes and worship times of the Eastview Church of Christ will resume at the building.
The elders at Eastview will continue to monitor the public health situation and make decisions accordingly. Our leadership must exercise discernment during this crisis, but our purposes as Christians - glorification of God, spreading the good news of Jesus, and encouraging the church in the Spirit - remain at the center of all decisions. We appreciate everyone's patience during this time.
Everyone is advised to continue to practice frequent sanitation, thorough hand washing, safe social distancing, and masking as appropriate. Our COVID-19 protocols can be found here.
On-Site Services
5-28-20 - This Sunday, 5-31-20, we are resuming services inside the church building, beginning at 10:30 am. We will resume Wednesday evening services on 6-3-20 and Sunday Bible studies on 6-7-20. Sunday evenings will still be devoted to our online prayer group, until we can be assured of adequate cleaning of the building on Sunday afternoons. We still have many requests, to enable our worship to God to be an edifying portion of each person’s life.
Update: Please see our page for COVID-19 protocols here.
Parking Lot Services
4-26-20 - The Eastview Church of Christ will be holding worship service on Sunday mornings at 10:30 am in the parking lot. We will be following protocols put in place by government and public health officials (Rom 13:1-5). We pray that the pandemic facing the world passes quickly.
This church website also has a regularly updated library of sermon material available here. How blessed we are, that we can continue to worship our merciful Lord, even in difficulties (Ps 57, Ps 142)!
On-Site Services Suspended
3-18-20 - Due to concerns over the current global health situation, and with prayer and deliberation, the elders at Eastview have decided to suspend all on-site services at the Eastview church building, beginning immediately. This includes Sunday am & pm worship services, and Sunday & Wednesday Bible classes.
There are lots of resources available for Christians to continue worshiping the Lord; worship is not limited to the walls of the church building (Col 3:17, Acts 2:42, 46). Utilize Eastview's website to find previous sermons to listen to and share. Try Skype, FaceTime, Google Hangouts, or other programs that can still offer face-to-face interaction with brothers and sisters in Christ. Search Google or Facebook to find online worship services, singings, and podcasts. Please be judicious about gathering for singings, prayers, or small Bible study groups (Matt 4:5-7, 10:16).
Keep the shepherds of Eastview, and one another, lifted in prayer. The elders will continue weighing available options to strengthen the church at Eastview through this time of danger and difficulty (Lam 3:21-26). Be patient in endurance, and we will resume public services when the time is right.
Spring Gospel Meeting Postponed
3-18-20 - Due to concerns over the current global health situation, our spring gospel meeting with Gary Coles is being postponed at this time.
Bible Classes
1-19-20 - The elders have been hard at work lining up our Bible class structure for 2020 and beyond. We have new classes available for small children, and some exciting opportunities in our adult Bible classes.
We will complete our study-through-the-Bible series with a class on Ezekiel Feb-Apr 2020. This series started in late 2013, and has been completed ahead of the original schedule. Later this year, we will start afresh with revisiting the books of Genesis and the gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke.
Eastview will also offer several new topical studies in 2020, beginning with "Why?", a look at the reasoning behind our beliefs. These classes have been specifically chosen by our shepherds and teachers to equip and strengthen the flock at Eastview (2 Tim 2:15).
We are also looking to grant opportunities for several of our newer Bible class teachers. Following Scriptural example (Ex 24:13, 1 Kin 19:21, Tit 2:1-6), we plan to use a mentorship model to teach our younger or less experienced Christians how to share Christ. We want more and more to learn and yearn to teach (2 Tim 2:2)!
Join with us in our ongoing Bible discussions, Sundays at 9:30 am, and Wednesdays at 7:00 pm.
2020 Theme: Prayer
12-22-19 - The shepherds of our congregation have decided on a theme for the year 2020. Eastview Church of Christ will make 2020 a year of prayer (Luke 11:1). The elders have compiled a prayer booklet, suggesting different subjects to specifically pray over each week of the year. This is not intended as a prescription for daily prayer, but a supplement to direct us toward unity in our group prayers.
Along with this theme for 2020, the order of Sunday evening services will be changing. These changes will be put into place in 2 weeks, 1-5-20. We will begin by gathering in a circle to briefly study the week's prayer topic, then being led in one (or several) accompanying prayers. After this, our worship service will continue as in the past, with one fewer hymn.
Just as having our Bible studies in a circle have helped to unify us in mind, praying together in a circle can unify us in heart (1 Thess 5:17). Please continue to pray for one another (Jas 5:16). And let us look forward to making 2020 a fruitful year of prayer (Matt 6:5-13, Luke 11:2-4).
Current Sermon Series
11-24-19 - Our minister Bryan Nash is now in the middle of two excellent sermon series. On Sunday mornings we are studying "Worship as Basic Training". We are called to be citizens in the kingdom of the Lord (Mark 1:15, Phil 3:20), so what should our citizenship look like? How does worship shape us for the kingdom we dwell in? And how can we connect with one another and with the Christians of the early church through our worship practices (Eph 4:15-16)? This set of lessons has helped us to consider the importance of the things we do together as a church.
On Sunday evenings, Bryan is reflecting on the books of 1 & 2 Kings. These books present an important and perhaps under-studied time in the history of the Lord's people. Understanding the history of God's relationship with his people gives us context for the world of the kings and prophets (1 Kin 2:4), as well as the world we now live in (Acts 2:30-32). This sermon series is also supplemented by our ongoing Bible studies on idolatry and the messages of the major and minor prophets.
We would welcome you to join with us on Sundays for these engaging lessons from the holy scriptures. You can also find our "Worship as Basic Training" series here, and our 1 & 2 Kings series here.
Public Singing
10-23-19 - We were very blessed to hold our public singing this past weekend at the Washington County Family YMCA. We sang through the story of Christ Jesus - His birth, ministry, crucifixion, resurrection, and work in the church. Audio recording of the event is available here. We hope to hold similar public events in the future as well!
Bible Classes
10-6-19 - At Eastview we offer Bible classes for all ages on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings. Our members have lots of opportunities to engage and teach one another through the Scriptures (2 Tim 2:2, Tit 2:1-6). We're currently restructuring our Bible class schedules and curriculum for 2020. Expect some updates and information in a "Bible Classes" page soon!
Community Gospel Singing
9-29-19 - We are excited to announce that we have finished details for our public singing event. This is intended as an event open to the community, and will be held at the Washington County YMCA. The singing will begin at 3 pm on Sat, Oct 19, 2019.
Come join with all of us in singing praise to the Lord, and encouragement to one another!